

DISREGARD listings in the TPI Concessions booklet under the headings “VEHICLE DEALERSHIPS” and “VEHICLE FLEET DISCOUNTS AND PARTNER PROGRAMS”

Please note: NCB National Car Brokers listed in the TPI NSW Concessions booklet appears to have recently been operating a scam. Our enquiries have revealed that several people who have paid deposits to purchase a car through this business have not received their car, and their deposit has not been refunded. NCB National Car Brokers, despite being registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), is also now not contactable by phone. TPI NSW are in the process of reporting the situation to NSW Police, Scamwatch and other authorities.

NSW Police have advised that there are currently “hundreds” of car sale scams being operated by professional criminals. NSW Police further advise that the safest way to buy a car is directly from a dealership. 

Please take care to avoid being targeted by scammers. Scamwatch has resources to help protect yourself and loved ones from scams: https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/stay-protected/how-to-spot-and-avoid-scams

50th Anniversary of Cyclone Tracy Polo Shirt

A polo shirt to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Cyclone Tracy is now available through the Naval Association of Australian. Orders can be placed through: president@nwqld.org.au; mobile 0437002152; Barb Jeffreys<barb.jeffreys@hotmail.com>

Welcome to the website of the Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Veterans’ Association of NSW. The Association was started in 1935 as a point of focus for veterans receiving the Special Rate Pension. The Association is run by TPIs for TPIs.

Our mission is to ensure the general welfare of all members and their recognised carers.

General members meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing at 1 pm at Barracks on Barrack, lower ground floor, 5 – 7 Barrack Street, Sydney. (Some dates may be subject to change due to public holidays or cancelled at a general meeting). If in doubt call Head Office Phone: 9235 1466, Monday – Thursday, 9am – 4pm. 

You can see our latest news items/posts here.